It would help if you donated because you are tired of turning on the television news and seeing the violence of another young adult being killed and the crime of murdering another human being. Now another human being is going to prison.
Community Carpentry USA, Inc. (CCUSA), We are tired of America's deadly violence and crime. Most Americans are tired of seeing it, as well. Please donate today to help us to teach this important skill to young adults and youth in America.
It cannot be acceptable to the American People.
We have come up with a solution to "dramatically reduce crime and violence," but we need your help America today. We teach carpentry skills to disadvantaged Young Adults and Youth, ages 18 - 25, starting in urban cities and eventually in rural areas. We want to help prevent violence and/or crime while building strong character.
A contribution from everyday Americans will set the stage for Community Carpentry to position itself to receive additional funding. This program is unique in its design to regenerate some funds expended, by building “Tiny Houses”. Those tiny houses are sold to the public at market value.
Other funding sources or Organizations that have similar goals of improving the health of young adults, lower unemployment, reduce crime and violence in urban cities including other nonprofits, Philanthropists, Individual Donors, Corporate Sponsors, and Corporate Donors.
We need Donations and Lines of Credits, Building Materials, Hand Tools and Power Tools, Landscaping Equipment, Rakes, Brooms, and Shovels. We need help with lunches, power Ade, water, gasoline, oil, and including a small stipend for students. We need the help of additional carpentry instructors and assistant instructors even if its on a part time basis for now. We also need help of an administrative assistant, to help with office management task, record keeping, letter writing, communications, and testing preparations, even if its on a part time basis.
Even though the program is designed to be partially self generating, we need time to reach that point of maturity. I meet young adults and youth all the time that are interested in Carpentry, working to earn a living, to help themselves and their families.
We are asking individuals to help anyway they can. Our staff appreciates your donations and prayers.
You can follow our progress on our website or Facebook.
Our goal is to raise $250,000.00 to be fully funded. Thanks to the American people in advance.
Praying for the Peace of America, 2023, US🏡💪
David VanWilliams, Director
Community Carpentry USA, Inc.
To learn more about how to donate call us today at (850) 425-0675.
CashApp Available